Drop-In Bus Project

Relationship building & Counselling

We believe relationships are the basis for healthy helping and receiving of support. So, we aim at building strong relationships with the homeless people. We want to be there with and for the other person. No social exclusion but being seen and heard. Desired actions and solutions we decide together; and trying to find the most satisfying possible relationship to life - even when that life is stuck. Support our visits and peer-support group meetings.
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Personal Hygiene & Haircuts

Washing your hands, brushing your teeth, putting on some cream and combing your hair. Such normal and basic conveniences we take for granted. Imagine being homeless and lacking these simple comforts. A haircut? Impossible. Who wants to touch, let alone wash hair that is full of lice? Help us provide these basic comforts to the homeless people during our visits.

First aid & Follow up care

Imagine lying sick to death in the dirt of an abandoned building or in a dark stinking manhole; or being stabbed with a knife or freezing and losing your limbs in the extreme cold. Imagine just a small crack in your finger that annoys you but you can’t clean it to stop the nagging. Welcome to the normal daily life of being homeless. Help us provide professional first-aid to the homeless during our visits.
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Warm meals

During our visits no need to search the bins for (un)eatable stuff to fill your hungry stomach, but receive a warm healthy meal, a drink and a comfortable place in our drop-in bus to sit and enjoy it. Though it may be only once or twice a week, it would make a difference for me! Please consider donating towards warm meals for the homeless.

Secondhand Clothing

Imagine wearing the same clothes for a few days... truly that would not be such a disaster. Wearing filthy, torn and unfit clothes day and night for weeks, getting in and out of your manhole, that is another story. Reality of life on the streets. Please consider donating boxes of suitable clothes (contact us) or support the purchase of local secondhand clothes for the homeless.
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Shower house Service

A day without shower, we can handle that. A week is becoming problematic. Imagine being homeless wandering the streets… and the joy and feeling of turning into a new person after a proper shower, with a set of clean underwear, clothes and as finishing touch a shave and fancy haircut! Please consider supporting our monthly shower house days!

Hospital Care Service

Being homeless, moneyless and addicted without ID and insurance it is basically impossible to receive proper and caring hospital care. Those in need often don’t try anymore. We seek to work together with local hospital Enerel and we closely cooperate with Korean-Mongolian hospital Agape which lovingly treats our homeless patients when needed. Donate towards the medical expenses for insurances, hospitalization, treatments and medication.
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