For more information about these and more projects see ‘Our Projects’
We cooperate with a number of local addiction care centers and hospitals ‘Enerel’ and ‘Agape‘ in Ulaanbaatar. In collaboration with ‘De Hoop’ Addiction Care, The Netherlands we provide staff and volunteers training as well as annualy training for addiction, health and social care workers.
We started our activities in 2015 as project ‘Sergelt’ under the International NGO Good Neighbor Society. As intended from the start to eventually become a separate local NGO with local management, we made the transfer out of the organization in April 2020 and since then continue independently as local NGO ‘Sergelt Ood’.
+976 90727072 (ENG/NL)
+976 90633063 (MNG)
Bayandohom 22 gudamj 1a, Bayanzurkh district, 30th khoroo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia