We have our land!
The search for a plot of land was not easy but, in the end, we were rewarded with the best plot we could have imagined: perfectly suited for our purpose
The launch of ‘Sergelt Ood’
Our NGO started in April 2020. Before that, from 2015-2020 we were known as Project Sergelt of the International NGO Good Neighbor Society (GNS). We are thankful to GNS for
Poverty in Mongolia
HOMELESS PEOPLE FORCED TO LIVE UNDERGROUND: TRT World news item about poverty and homelessness in Mongolia. Including footage taken during our Sergelt outreach in winter 2017 and an interview.
Time for an update
During the first three years of pioneering the ‘Sergelt’ project beautiful and meaningful moments have gone hand in hand with heartbreaking and difficult ones. We have witnessed people’s lives and
‘Sergelt’ more than a cup of soup
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Christmas with the homeless
After days and evenings of preparation together with a bunch of motivated volunteers, we celebrated Christmas with 140 homeless people at our two meeting locations. It was the highlight of
Sergelt – How It Started
In July 2021, Odgerel (video) passed away after her battle with cancer. With her love and commitment, she meant a lot for us, her homeless friends, and as one of